You may be thinking more these days than usual about your immune system, and how to keep it strong. One concept I find very helpful in working with the immune system is that of deep versus surface immunity. Herbs that help to boost deep immunity are those that increase the number and intelligence of immune cells, building resilience. Herbs that provide surface immunity can actively fight infection and stimulate the cells of the immune system to act. Herbs don’t always fall squarely into one category or the other, but this can be helpful in choosing herbs in a scenario. In the name of resilience, I try to stick to those which are easily accessible and can even be grown at home. Here are a couple of examples


🍃Herbs for Deep Immunity

-Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceous) – This is one of the superior herbs for improving deep immunity and building strength against susceptibility to illness, especially of the respiratory tract. Great for those who are chronically run down and frequently ill. Best avoided when acutely ill, but useful when recovering from illness. 

-Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) strengthens and protects many body systems, and modulates immune action (up-regulate or down-regulate as needed), fights chronic viral infections, and supports healthy lung function.


🍃Herbs for Surface Immunity

-Echinacea (Echinacea spp.) is most effective when taken during the early onset of cold and flu symptoms. It stimulates the cells of the immune system to do their work when they are most needed. Many people take echinacea regularly, which may be helpful during cold and flu season, as keeping the immune system on high alert may help to avoid illness. This can still be contrasted to herbs that build the immune system on a deeper level. 

-Culinary thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is a wonderful anti-microbial and can help to fight infections. A cup of thyme tea helps to thin mucous and clear the lungs. When eaten regularly, thyme is wonderful for fighting incidental microbes, while also keeping digestion happy. 

Please remember that everyone is different, and herbs may act differently in individuals under particular conditions. It is important to educate yourself on the specific uses of herbs and their contraindications. Join me Thursday April 16, 6-8pm for an online class on using herbs to boost immunity and resilience in uncertain times. More information here

In the spirit of boosting our ability to stay resilient in uncertain times, I will be posting an informative tip weekly on the topic of staying well by using and connecting with plants.